Monday, August 31, 2009

Blog 1


Re-Engineering is a term that all corporate trainers should be familiar with. It is defined as a complete review of an organization's critical work processes to make them for efficient. How does this apply to you? Currently, businesses are not as profitable as they once were. Executives are hesitant to contribute funds for new resources, and objectives now relate to improving the efficiency of current practices. In relation to corporate training, it is becoming harder to invest in new teaching practices. Businesses are seeking to re-invent the methods they currently have and focus on education being an "in and out" process. Time costs money and it is an asset that continues to diminish. If we can learn how to capitalize on these developments, and re-engineer rather than re-create, it will assuredly create an advantage in the workplace. HRudaya lists the top 10 current trends in Corporate Development. Re-Enginering was ranked number three.